What is Megaphone?

Megaphone Logo

Megaphone is an autonomous platform dedicated to bringing an alternative approach to activist spaces and movements in Luxembourg and that gives a voice to people who are ignored in existing movements.

It was created in early 2024 to unite people and groups in and around Luxembourg who are queerfeminist, intersectional, anti-racist, decolonial, climate conscious, anti-ableist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist. Our political convictions are at the core of our practice: ultimately, we strive to dismantle the patriarchy, end white supremacy, and confront all forms of structural oppression and violence - and if possible, also have some fun together.

Our platform aims to reclaim those spaces in Luxembourg that have been inaccessible and oppressive, with the intention of opening them up for everyone. By being accessible, inclusive and safe, we want to combat the isolation of individual marginalised people and their struggles and encourage connections between existing organisations and communities, to create new alliances and networks of care and support.

We want to offer an alternative to institutions, political parties, for-profit organizations and those that are funded by private companies. It is not our intention to oppose existing events but to offer alternative opportunities to get active and represent the broad and colourful spectrum that makes our community.

A grassroots, community-based approach centered on common ground, solidarity and mutual aid is at the heart of our philosophy. We are aware and critical of power dynamics, systematic dominance and oppression - and of how power is abused not just to harm human beings, but also animals and all of nature.

Collective responsibility means we take care of ourselves and each other. Collective action means that we are strongest when we stand up for each other and stand together. Megaphone warmly welcomes those who share common values and visions. Join us in reshaping activism in Luxembourg and fostering a more inclusive future for all! Get in touch with Megaphone at info@megaphone.lu or on social media at @megaphonelu.

Members to this date : Centre Cigale, Déi Aner, Gebeesshoueren, Lëtz Rise Up, PRIZMA - Uni.lu LGBT+ Students’ Association, Richtung22, Rise for Climate, Pipapo, Waassermeloun, and individuals.

How to join

Would you like to join Megaphone? Are you looking for an intersectional, queerfeminist, anti-racist, decolonial, climate conscious, anti-ableist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist community in this shithole country?

Are you interested in organising an event with us, joining a working group or do you need an alliance for your organisation that amplifies your voice? You are very welcome at Megaphone!

Our internal discussion/organisation happens mostly on Discord. To join our Discord server, please fill out this form. We will then send you an invitation link.