Screenprinting Workshop & Being Leftist
byCentre Cigale / Richtung22
📅8th June 2024
⌚14:00 / 16:00
📍Bâtiment 4
66, rue de Luxembourg
L-4149 Esch-sur-Alzette

Pride month is here and so we are! This month we will host events to remind us collectively that pride is supposed to be a riot! ✨
To kick start the program, meet us next Saturday (08.06.) at Bâtiment4 in Esch for a workshop day.
We will do a screenprinting workshop with @centrecigale (They will provide totebags and t-shirts but you can also bring your own things!) and a workshop about all things militant (How to organise a demo? How to banner? How to mutual aid? Etc.)